09 March 2009

hey baby,
we can make a baby
and we can call it Sundi.
dont you wanna do it?
we can make a baby.

i been painting lately. im not good at it. when i was younger, i was good 'for a kid', but that youth talent is worth nothing now. still, i paint. it gets my minds off of everything around me. for spring break, im going to buy a paint set and paint everyday since i cant go anywhere. and i will keep clickin the camera too.

i just got a text message that my friend got shot...the contrast btwn my life and the life of my friends seems wide, but really we're all the same...we all eat, poop, sleep, dream, and die. The small things we do between then just seems imortant, maybe...idk....sh*t.

goin on break now.

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