19 June 2009

i can't find the reason why my love won't disappear.

Sorry for being mute y'all. Things came up.


"What is The What" by Dave Eggers

I won't go into detail about what the book was about, instead, i'll just type words that come to my mind at this instant that hopefully will convince you, the reader of this stupid blog, to go to a library or bookstore and check it out/buy it.

Sudan. Lost Boys. Genocide. Murder. Humility. Religion. Clashes. Yellow. Hyenas. Lions. Refugee. Camp. Love. Starvation. Death. Life. Chased. Desert. Forest. Bandits. America. Unfulfilled. Relativity. Relationships. Tradition. Modernity. Mistakes. Fortune. Humor. Compassion. Consequences. Oppression. Fortitude. Politics. Unforgettable.

Also, go to my picture blog to see my 2-year-old nephie-phew!!!!!!! sundibeclickin.blogspot.com